Potential Partnerships

The Potential Trust works with a variety of activity providers and other organisations to ensure there is as wide a spread as possible of different opportunities to support any child or young person with high learning potential (including those with dual or multiple exceptionality) who needs financial assistance to attend activities that will challenge them. This could include activities which push the boundaries of their learning, which encourage them to take on a new activity or hobby, and/or which allow them to meet other ‘similarly minded’ individuals.

Over the years, the Trust has partnered with organisations who share our aims and philosophy and will work with us to raise awareness of this issue.  We work with partner organisations in a variety of different ways:

  • by offering bursaries to cover supported places for children and young people from low-income families;
  • by collaborating with those organisations in setting up Potential Conferences;
  • by providing publicity through our website and marketing materials.

Our Partners