North West Gifted & Talented

North West Gifted & Talented

North West Gifted & Talented

NWGT is a regional charity whose role is to support schools throughout the North West in meeting the needs of their able, gifted and talented learners.

Support for Teachers

NWGT runs a range of regional CPD courses throughout each academic year. Examples of recent courses include a generic cross phase course about the use of Bloom’s taxonomy to develop questioning and thinking, a course for secondary Senior Leaders designed in direct response to the Ofsted review of provision for A, G & T learners and primary courses focussing on English, maths and science We also run courses for NQTs, TAs and Learning Mentors, from all phases, to support them in developing ‘Challenge and Thinking’.

New for the autumn term of 2020 will be a course looking at developing challenge and thinking in primary history and geography

Support for Schools

NWGT is also able to provide support for individual schools.  This can range from whole school INSET days to twilights to working with individual A, G & T Leads on developing school practice.  This area of work can also include advice and guidance in respect of individual learners. NWGT also provides direct support for member schools in the form of email and telephone advice.

Activities for Pupils

We organise and lead Saturday Challenges throughout the region. These enable young people from across the region to come together to explore areas of learning alongside an expert and in conjunction with other young people with similar interests. We try to offer a broad range of Challenges that enable learners to further develop skills and talents directly linked to the school curriculum and to explore areas beyond the curriculum working with schools and others e.g. artists, musicians and authors. Application for these events is first come first served, by email direct to NWGT, once the flyer has been released to schools. If a child secures a place their parents are then sent an application form to complete.

We also offer Challenge workshops during the school day. These can be off the shelf workshops from our Challenge Brochure or bespoke activities developed to meet the specific requirements of an individual school or group of schools whether that be for a particular subject focus or about the ‘soft skills’ A, G & T learners need to develop.   


Each term we offer a series of master classes for exceptionally able primary mathematicians, writers and scientists from Y2 – Y6. These are currently held in partnership with Manchester and Lancaster universities. These events also act as CPD for teachers as a group of children and a teacher attend together and work alongside each other. The teacher is then provided with all the activities to use back in school. I am delighted to say that from spring 2021 we will also be running a master class for able historians and geographers.


If you would like to learn more about NWGT’s activities or be added to our email mailing list then please contact Aileen Hoare either by email or telephone on 07973 119653.