By funding Questor Bursaries, Potential Conferences and Partnerships with other like-minded organisations we are seeking to:
- create a more level playing field for children and young people facing barriers to realising their high learning potential;
- raise awareness amongst a wider audience of the learning and other needs of children and young people with High Learning Potential and Dual and Multiple Exceptionality;
- inform and influence good practice in this area which individuals can take back and implement in their own organisations.
Our ultimate aim through our work, therefore, is to change the way society views and treats those with high Learning Potential and Dual and Multiple Exceptionalities and to identify new and better approaches and ways of doing this.
We believe that these children and young people are often hidden from view in our society, sometimes misdiagnosed and unsupported in the classroom and in our society in general.
We believe that there is a lack of understanding about the additional needs of these children and the barriers they can face to being ‘the best they can be’.
In education, we believe there is often confusion that ability and achievement are the same thing. For a variety of reasons, children with High Learning Potential and Dual and Multiple Exceptionalities often underachieve. If they are not supported in the right way in school and at home, they can develop behavioural, social, emotional and mental health issues which can scar them for a lifetime.
In a society which emphasises inclusion and is working towards equity and social justice for all, we believe that this neurodiverse group should be given equal opportunities to thrive.
This is not elitist. What we are saying is that EVERY child and young person (and adult) has the right to realise their potential and be the best they can be, INCLUDING those with High Learning Potential and Dual and Multiple Exceptionalities. Through our work we will seek to:
the views of policymakers, practitioners, parents, children and young people and society as a whole to ensure these children and young people are supported effectively and to remove any barriers they face in their lives.