Opening Doors – resources available
Many resources support our work on opening doors to literature for all learners.
There are five books in the series ranging form a focus on classic texts in ‘Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose’ (KS2/3) to the ‘Quality Writing’ award winning books to the more recent ‘Rich Curriculum’ titles. There are 80 full units across the books so classroom impact is always our aim. : bob cox opening doors
We have devised free videos, lessons of about 15 minute duration, which are widely used in schools to support access to a top quality text:
Our free resources page includes presentations, poetry recommendations and webinars, including one for The National Association of English Advisers.
Free Resources including Poetry – Searching for Excellence
We also have free video blogs, podcasts and videos
Resource Links: Free Video Blogs and Podcasts – Searching for Excellence
Apart from the books themselves, I periodically write for magazines or post blogs, all of which support ideas, research links and mindsets for advancing top class learning and deepening subject knowledge.
Blog – Searching for Excellence
The following article in ‘Teach Reading and Writing’ shows how even four lines of a top quality poem can be used to go deeper and access complex ideas. It’s called ‘Rich Knowledge and Deep Response’.
TRW 2021 (
Do read pupils’ work inspired by specific units in the books by following the link to each book on the Crown House publishing site. There is some incredible work here which can be used in the classroom for inspiration.
Bob Cox – Author Details – Crown House Publishing
Bob Cox with co-authors Verity Jones and Leah Crawford